Pin wheel cheesy sandwich

Pin roll  sandwiches  are easy  to make  and children  love  it  as it gives  a nice  roll and is quick snack  for their tiffins.
Ingredients  required  for the pin  roll  sandwiches
Sandwich  bread
Coriander  chutney
Cheese  spread
Chilli  sauce
Tomato sauce
Few lettuce  leaves
Salt  and pepper  to taste
Cut  the edges  of the bread  and place it on a flat  wooden  surface.. Press  the bread  and roll a  little  with the help  of a rolling  pin. Roll  out  as many  bread pieces  required.
Spread  each with cheese, coriander  chutney, lettuce  leaves, sauce and mayonnaise. Sprinkle  salt and pepper .Now  roll  each sandwich  with the hand carefully. Once rolled into a cylinderical shape cut  shapes  of pin wheels. Ready  to be served.


Adithi Shiyal said…
Wow quick and easy to prepare!