Gatte curry

Gatte curry  or gatte  ki sabji  is made out of gram flour /besan. It is mainly prepared throught  Rajasthan.But now  it is getting  popular  throughout  India.
Method for preparing gatte..
Besan - 250 gram
Oil  -  2 teaspoon
Salt, hing, chilli  powder, aamchur, dhania  powder and garam masala.Add all the ingredients  to besan   and knead to  a firm dough . cut into pieces  and  steam the dough cut into small  pieces,   for about  5 minutes. Let cool and dry.

 For the curry onions,Garlic, tomatoes, green chillies  and green coriander.
Except  for the coriander, blend all these into a paste.

 Heat a pan and saute  the onion  paste until golden  brown. Add  salt,turmeric,dhania powder and chilli  powder and garam masala. Stir until   the oil  separates from the masala.
 Add water to the masala  to form a gravy.Let boil, add the gatte  and  simmer  for about five  to seven  minutes.
 Garnish with  green  coriander
